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產品 Products

  • 安裝於設備端與管路銜接用,以隔絕幫浦、冷凍空調設備的震動並吸收其噪音。

Flexible Joints
  • Used as a connector between machinery and pipelne to reduce the vibration of air-conditioning systems and its noise

Anchor 5
  • 適用於一般管路熱漲冷縮的位移補償。

Expansion Joints
  • Suitable for compensating heat expansion in general pipelines

  • 適用於配管與設備系統以防範震動、噪音、熱漲冷縮、應力造成的影響。 

Rubber Sphere Joints
  • Suitable for pipeline system that needs to withstand the effects of vibration, noise, heat expansion and forces.

  • 適用於高科技廠房辦公區或商業大樓專用灑水軟管。

Flexible Sprinkler Hose For Office Buildings
  • Suitable for sprinkler pipeline system of high tech manufacturing facility offices and commercial buildings.

彈簧式避震器 TYPE
Anchor 4
懸吊式避震器 TYPE​
Anchor 3
氣墊式避震器 TYPE​
Anchor 1
防震基座 TYPE​
Anchor 2
抗震裝置 TYPE​
橡膠式避震器 TYPE​
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